How to Maintain: Risk Taking

Risk Taking

Are you afraid of uncertainties? Then you cannot be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are not high risk takers. They are also not gamblers; they calculate their risks before taking action. They place themselves in situations involving moderate risk so they are moderate risk takers.

An entrepreneur is a visionary, a risk taker, a dreamer, a motivator, and a problem solver. He has a fire burning inside his belly, a vision and a dream that he will do anything and everything in his power to bring to life. He will set himself up to succeed, put the pieces in place to make it happen, take his entire team with him, and learn from his failures so that he can keep going and keep getting better.

RISK–TAKING is the act or fact of doing something that involves danger or risk in order to achieve a goal.

Entrepreneurs are people who prefer taking moderate risks. Before they commit themselves and their resources, they assess the risks that are associated with a business opportunity that they have selected, and their ability to manage them, the benefits that they will realise and the challenges that they will face from the venture to be undertaken.

Entrepreneurs can earn profits as a result of taking risks and the higher the risks, the higher the profits. However, entrepreneurs will always prefer to take on those risks that they can manage.

Remember, mistakes and setbacks are a part of growing a business. Do not become discouraged because a business deal didn't go as planned or your decision resulted in challenges for your business. Through trials and tribulations, entrepreneurs learn from their mistakes which can lead to having a more successful business.

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