How to maintain : Opportunity seeking

An entrepreneur is quick to see and seize opportunities. He/she does things before he/she is asked to work by people or forced by situation.
Opportunity seeking; keep your eyes open for new business opportunities

A key question that all would-be entrepreneurs face is finding the business opportunity that is right for them. Should the new startup focus on introducing a new product or service based on an unmet need? Should the venture select an existing product or service from one market and offer it in another where it may not be available?
Do I have the drive to pursue this opportunity to the end?
Will I spend all my time, effort, and money to make the business opportunity work?
Will I sacrifice my existing lifestyle, endure emotional hardship, and forego my usual comforts to succeed in this business opportunity?

The ongoing process of considering, evaluating, and pursuing market-based activities that are believed to be advantageous for the firm. Prior experience informs the process, but it may also limit it: opportunity seeking calls for continuous reconsideration and adaptive learning.

The world is filled with surprising opportunities. It can be something small that catches your attention; a conversation you have with your grandma, seeing a young child play under a table or losing your keys at the beach. Absolutely anything can kick-start a great idea.
Once you develop the habit of opportunity seeking, keeping your eyes and ears open, you will find that there are clues everywhere that can lead you to an innovative idea. Sometimes it’s best to just go for a walk and force yourself to look for opportunities. You might find yourself a breakthrough innovation.

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