POM Reviewer Compre exam

MBA Comprehensive exam Review
Here is the link to the book of POM. Click below to download


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I will be posting updated Answers Daily until Friday, before the exam on
March 9, 2019.


Here are the review Questions.

A. Discuss and Summarize the following items

1. Discuss Introduction to Production and Operations Management
2.  Identify current trends in operations management and relate them to new items or to personal experience.

B. Discuss productivity competitiveness.
1.  Discuss Productivity, factors affecting productivity competitiveness, strategy,  mission, different strategies and lean production.

C. Quality Management
1. Discuss Total Quality management on the following items:
a. Continuous process improvement
b. Six Sigma
c. Benchmarking
d. just in time

D. Product and Service Design
Discuss the following
1. Trends in product and service design, Design process, R &D, Standardization.
2. Discuss CAD. Describe some of the ways a product designer can use it.

E. Discuss Process selection.
F. Discuss Project Management.
E. Developing location Strategies
H.  Job Design and human Resources
I. Supply Chain Management
J.  Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management
K. Aggregate Planning

Here is the link to the book of POM. Click below to download


Other Subject  Links to Comprehensive Exam Reviewer:
 MAN POL reviewer
Link to MANPOL reviewer

POM Reviewer
Link to POM Reviewer

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Link to Financial Management Reviewer

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I will be posting updated Answers Daily until Friday, March 9 before the exam.

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