How to Maintain: Goal Setting

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal. This refers to the ability of an entrepreneur to set clear and specific goals and objectives. These goals and objectives are normally high and challenging but at the same time, realistic and can be attained, given the resources that one has got at his/her disposal.Many people think sweet talking is an important attribute of successful entrepreneurs. The ability to always do what the entrepreneur said they will do is more important than being a sweet talker. At times, it takes great personal sacrifice such as spending more time on the job or losing some of your profit in order to satisfy a customer. Fulfil your commitments no matter what. Perhaps the most important trait is that of setting goals. You should have a clear idea of how your life and your business will look like in the short and long term.

An entrepreneur sets meaningful and challenging goals for him/herself. An entrepreneur does not just dream. Him/she thinks and plans what he/she does. He/she is certain or has hope about the future.

Goals are not meant to be task-masters or slave drivers. They’re not something we do to ourselves, but for ourselves. They should inspire you, light you up, stretch you and scare you just a tiny bit. But ultimately they are the gift we give ourselves that pulls us forward into the next expression of who we want to be.

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