How to Maintain : Demand for Efficiency and Quality

Demand for Efficiency and Quality - Efficiency Orientation: a successful entrepreneur always finds ways to do things faster or with fewer resources or at a lower cost

An entrepreneur is always competing with others to do things better, faster, and at less cost he/she strives to achieve excellence.

This is the quality that enables an entrepreneur to do things that meet or surpass existing standards of excellence or improve on performance by striving to do things faster, better and cheaply. By doing this, the entrepreneur remains ahead of others, makes more profits and retains a growing market share
Efficiency is the state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish something with the least waste of time and effort; competency in performance. Quality is the character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence. This is the quality that enables an entrepreneur to do things that meet or surpass existing standards of excellence or improve on performance by striving to do things faster, better and cheaply. By doing this, the entrepreneur remains ahead of others, makes more profits and retains a growing market share. Be consistent in your worth of skills and knowledge.

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