How production and consumption of sugar affect your health

Sugar is one of life's greatest indulgences, it has been consumed throughout the centuries in various forms such as fruit and honey. However, within this modern age, sugar is readily available and widely consumed. The growing popularity of soft drinks, fast food, and snacks that typically contain significant amounts of added sugar the question should be asked – how much added sugar do I consume, how much should I consume, and what are the implications of consuming too much?

We live today in a society where sugar is commonly accepted and eaten in large quantities. Larger in fact, than ever before in the history of the human race. But what effect is this having on us—our weight and our health? Unfortunately a gravely negative effect on all parts of our physical, mental and emotional well-being, yet so few of us take a stand to do anything about it. In this essay, I will share with you why any sugar consumption must be taken seriously if we wish to increase, rather than decrease the quality of our health, and life.

I personally refer to these categories as follows: “chemical sweeteners“, referring to the typical white/brown sugar and “toxic sweeteners“, referring to the Aspartame, Sucralose, etc. I think it is time we call them for what they really are, and not kid ourselves any longer about their chemical makeup. But anyway, back to the sugar point.
Sugar is a drug that has no nutritional value and is an addictive chemical.
Hence, no wonder that today we have a nation that is addicted to sugar! In fact many experts have come forth, comparing sugar to cocaine, when it comes to its effects on our brain.
However, with sugar being in most foods today as one of the top five ingredients, it is time we wake up to the bitter truth about sugar, how it harms our body and plays a leading role in almost every disease and health condition out there.
And what was the effect of this for me? Along with all other aspects of my optimal nutrition, eliminating sugar has made me feel even more amazing, but the biggest area I noticed a huge change in, were cravings. Detoxing from sugar, meant no more cravings of any kind where sweets were concerned. I was no longer a slave to anything “sweet” – true freedom at last!

How to improve or develop: Self-confidence

Most entrepreneurs start business because they like to be their own boss. They are responsible for their own decisions.

Self Confidence is a key part of success in business. It is the difference between having faith in yourself and feeling scared out of your wits. It is about having trust in what you know and your abilities to handle the unexpected events that life puts in your path. It is also a belief that you are the one in control of your life and your goals. It is that unexplainable and untouchable attribute that allows you get in touch with that inner self that allows you to express yourself fully.

This refers to having a strong belief or confidence in oneself and the ability to complete a difficult task or meet a challenge.

This is a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment. Contrary to popular daydreams, being your own boss does not equal sleeping in till noon and taking endless vacation days—at least not if you want to run a business that has any chance of success. When you’re the only one peering over your shoulder, you need to be able to keep yourself on task in the face of distractions, challenges, and the tempting knowledge that you can technically do whatever you want, whenever you want, without getting in any immediate trouble. You have to be able to look at the big picture and realize that cutting corners now will only hurt you down the road.

Persuation and Netrworking

Persuasion is something meant to get you to do or believe something or the process of guiding people and oneself toward the adoption of an idea. Network is to interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career. It’s nearly impossible to succeed without people to help you. Nobody can do everything on their own, and being friendly and helpful is one of the most important traits for a young entrepreneur to have. Without the ability to network and work with people, you won’t be able to develop the connections that you need to get the places you want to go. Remember that humility is a virtue, and connecting with people is a skill that lasts for your entire career. Entrepreneurs should enjoy meeting people especially for networking, speaking at business seminars and increasing sales.

As a practical implementation, I find that the most persuasive leaders start their conversations by asking questions. They get to know what is important to that person, what moves them, and what level of resistance the receiver has to the new idea. The higher the level of resistance, the more time and more of these techniques will be required.

If you are an entrepreneur, or any business professional, you need to change people’s minds, including your own, on a regular basis. I’m convinced that the tactics listed here can improve your success rate, and your overall effectiveness in your job. Feel free to try to change my mind.

Systematic Planning and Monitoring in Entrpreneurship Essay

Systematic Planning and Monitoring - Systematic Planning: an entrepreneur develops and uses logical, step-by-step plans to reach goals

Systematic planning is a planning process that is based on the scientific method and includes concepts such as objectivity of approach and acceptability of results. Systematic planning is based on a common sense, graded approach to ensure that the level of detail in planning is commensurate with the importance and intended use of the work and the available resources. This framework promotes communication between all organizations and individuals involved in an environmental program. Through a systematic planning process, a team can develop acceptance or performance criteria for the quality of the data collected and for the quality of the decision.
This is the ability to develop plans that will be used in monitoring and evaluating the progress of the business. This helps the entrepreneur to carefully monitor his/her business’ actual performance against desired performance and turn to other alternatives whenever the need arises; so as to achieve his/her set goals.
Successful entrepreneurs are systematic planners. They decide what they are going to do in an orderly and logical way. You have to get used to breaking large tasks into sub tasks with clear time frames. Keep financial records and use them to make decisions. Engage in systematic planning.

How to Maintain: Goal Setting

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal. This refers to the ability of an entrepreneur to set clear and specific goals and objectives. These goals and objectives are normally high and challenging but at the same time, realistic and can be attained, given the resources that one has got at his/her disposal.Many people think sweet talking is an important attribute of successful entrepreneurs. The ability to always do what the entrepreneur said they will do is more important than being a sweet talker. At times, it takes great personal sacrifice such as spending more time on the job or losing some of your profit in order to satisfy a customer. Fulfil your commitments no matter what. Perhaps the most important trait is that of setting goals. You should have a clear idea of how your life and your business will look like in the short and long term.

An entrepreneur sets meaningful and challenging goals for him/herself. An entrepreneur does not just dream. Him/she thinks and plans what he/she does. He/she is certain or has hope about the future.

Goals are not meant to be task-masters or slave drivers. They’re not something we do to ourselves, but for ourselves. They should inspire you, light you up, stretch you and scare you just a tiny bit. But ultimately they are the gift we give ourselves that pulls us forward into the next expression of who we want to be.

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