Ambisyon Natin 2040 Essay

MalacaƱang has issued Executive Order (EO) No. 5 providing for the adoption of “Ambisyon Natin 2040”, a 25-year, long-term vision for development planning. The EO was signed Tuesday, October 11, by the authority of President Rodrigo Duterte.

The 25-year vision foresees a Philippines that is a “prosperous, predominantly middle-class society where no one is poor.” It also envisions Filipinos with “long and healthy lives”, being smart and innovative, and living in a “high-trust society”.

According to the President,“In 2040, we will all enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure in the knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and unexpected expenses, that we can plan and prepare for our own and our children’s future. Our family lives together in a place of our own, and we have the freedom to go where we desire, protected and enabled by a clean, efficient and fair government.”

This development plan is anchored on a 25-year long-term vision called AmBisyon Natin 2040, a representation of the collective aspirations of the Filipino people, which is a result of a consultative process which began in 2015.

AmBisyon 2040 can be partly achieved by having competitive enterprises that offer quality goods and services at affordable prices. Government must encourage investments in these sectors by improving market linkages, simplifying government procedures, and facilitating access to finance. These should be complemented by appropriate human capital development, science, technology and innovation. Following are the priority sectors that have direct impact on AmBisyon:
  1. Housing and Urban Development
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Connectivity
  4. Education Services
  5. Tourism and Allied Services
  6. Agriculture
  7. Health and Wellness Services
  8. Financial Services
As part of this, Artificial intelligence will be part of his Vision. 
Artificial intelligence is intelligence exhibited by machines that has the capability to perceive its environment and takes the necessary actions to a given situation and carrying out a positive outcome. It is simply understood as machines capable of mimicking human cognitive functions in doing simple to complex tasks. Policymakers will need to develop a framework of rules for the operation of machines and AI systems. This should involve collective consultation with affected parties and experts, and a comprehensive debate on the regulation of the liability, safety, security and privacy of these technologies, alongside the updating of relevant skills and training programmes working with these new technologies.

We’re still changing, but not fast enough to keep pace with technology. AI is going to be a massive change in how the world is run. Quite a few researcher’s believe that an AI will be able to do everything that a human can do… which makes us ask, “Then why are we here?”

Is science dangerous? Essay

Is science dangerous

I strongly believe that science, and all of it components are good. Science by definition is the search of new knowledge, how can this be bad? Everything has the potential of being good or bad. It all depends on the people who are behind it. Nurses deliver anti-biotics, which can cure a number of diseases. On the other hand those abusing drugs, such as heroin users, use needles. No one is arguing saying that needles are evil, because it's an inanimate, the same rule should apply with science. Some people say without science life would be better or simpler, but in reality science is the reason people are able to watch television, the reason people are living much longer and healthier life's.
             A popular opposing argument is without science there would be no war, or bombs or mass destruction. Before these technological advances people still had wars, they just through rocks, and spears. It's not the technology that's causes the war anyway; it's our own human characteristics, like greed, vanity, and jealousy. If we combat these human flaws, then we will rid the world of people's fears of technology.
             Science is involved in every profession, lawyers, detectives, and firefighters depend on facts, to solve certain crimes or to prove that a pacific incident has occurred. We see them use science more often in crimes of murder, arson, and rapes; forensics, is what is used solve these almost unbreakable crimes. Weight Lifters, athletes, and trainers all use science, they all know the principle of overloading muscles, and they understand isometrics, a way to exercise. Without science a lot of people would pull muscles, strain them or dislocate a joint.
             Science is needed in every day life, from cooking to playing a CD. It is not science that created all of the destruction, and horrible pain it is the people who controlling the machines who cause the harm.
Sometimes Science Aesthetically wrong at times: Forget the readings and writings of any religious texts and books. Focus on the alteration made possible by science that tend to haunt the mankind in future. Altering the genetic combination tends to disrupt the balance of the nature, and messes with the ecosystem as well. Genetic alterations on animals have proven to give dubious results and have faced a lot of criticism and backlash.
Science is Used in strengthening war chances: Gone are the days when people used to stamp their authorities through duels and wars were won with horses, elephants, swords, and other man-made weapons. Times have flown by and the nuclear trump card in every countries arsenal has bolstered the chance of destructing the Earth, and killing many in process.
Science provide Stressful information: The deeper you delve into science; more likely you are going to come up with unrequired or harmful information’s. You might end up discovering some lethal elements buried deep down. Overloaded with information has compelled us to make headways into calamitic consequences.
Science says about Overpopulation: One of the most ironical aspects of science. Science tells you the reason why the Earth is being overpopulated and the measures that should be taken to deal with it. On the other hand, science has enabled us to live longer than average expectancy, decreasing the mortality rate immensely. It might be easy to say that one should not opt for such life expectant drugs and operations, but weighing the emotional side of things it becomes difficult to stick to a rational decision.
Science make People connecting through social media, but drifting away in person: Technology enables us to talk to strangers staying miles away from us, but we don’t bother to communicate in person when we have the chance to. Artificial Intelligence has ignited the virtual method of communication, and that seems to become the norm in years to come.
Science might be a technical and rational component of this Universe, but the sword of morality has been hanging over the head of every person on this planet. One should greet the progression of science with open arms, but needs to check the rapid growth that might do more harm than good eventually.
Science is Convenience: It is amazing as how times have changed. It took us eternity to develop a non-human mode of transportation, but the recent couple of centuries saw us traveling over the mountains and beyond the waters. You can travel back and forth covering the deepest and darkest corners there are to explore. We can communicate to our dear ones sitting at one end of the World to the other. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence, one does not even need to talk, but simulate a healthy conversation or run a chore.

Science make Dramatic increase of lifespan: Remember reading the horrific plague that almost nullified Europe as much as to the extent of rejuvenating it through the period of Renaissance? Fast forward to the 21st century and you will see people being spoilt for choice, to live, if yes, how many years would they prefer to. It baffles to see such transformation and enhancement in the field of medical science and technology. With the cure to every known disease, or at least the development of new drugs has brightened the survival rate exponentially. Stillborn and other infant fatalities have gone down significantly, and the third World countries are getting back on their feet as well.

Science creates New technologies and better understanding of where we live in: Technology and Science go hand in hand, and there is no doubt that we have been engulfed in the technological world. Technology has been seeped in with such precision and deftness that we don’t really appreciate it that much. Science has also let us know about our Universe, and there is so much more to the 75% Water-25% Land concept. There are many wonders yet to be discovered, and with science one-day humans will acquire the knowledge of infinity with the help of science
It is true that with the rapid development of technology, people have unlimited access to various information and exchange database freely these days. Despite all benefits, some people believe that it is harmful and dangerous for our communities. To a certain point I would agree that it could be dangerous, but if we have proper control over technological use then it would be useful from many aspects.

On one hand, the advance development of modern technology has allowed people to gain access to so many websites, database, and information hub and to exchange them. All governments and companies are using computer technology to store and maintain their confidential information these days. Certain people believe that the development is dangerous for our societies as it could be misused for any crime activities. For example, a computer hacker might have access to a bank information system and use a person's credit card number. In another case, the hacker might steal top secret information from the government and sell them to the terrorists.

Despite all the treats, the easy access to information system has brought countless benefits to the humankind. Firstly, with the development of the internet technology, scientists could effectively perform their research. By having access to so many websites, it has saved a lot of the scientists’ time when they have to investigate things, rather than to go to the library and search for books and journals. Secondly, with the easy access to information system, it also helps students in learning new things. In the past, students only got information through books, but these days they can learn from various platforms. For example, when they want to learn new things, they can also learn from another format such as video. There are thousands of free video websites such as YouTube and Vimeo, where they can access them and find some informative lessons. Having central databases of citizens is a great way for the government to tackle illegal immigration, crime and social problems. 

In conclusion, to a certain extent, I would agree that the easy access to various information and exchange of database could be harmful to the humankind. However, I also believe that this development also brings a lot of benefits to the societies, as scientists have become more effective in doing their researches. I personally believe that the government should have a strict regulation about the access and design a proper control system which would prevent the misuse of the information.

Strategic Management Realization Management Policy Journal

My learning style was changed when I first attended the Management Policy (Strategic Management) class of Benjamin  that I aimed to study by myself. I did not worry about the grade because what I only wanted is to the finish my MBA and earn points in my educational evaluation for migrating abroad. Interestingly, I thought the first meeting was so formal until he introduced the curriculum, expectations and a humor on how to strategize or “stragedized.” As I attended the lectures every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I observed that Dr. Benjamin teaching processes is different from my previous professors. That means we did not need follow a textbook step-by-step. He encouraged us to read more on additional readings, learn from played videos and be updated in current events and be inclined with more efficient learning using mobile technology. (So, I started downloading UDEMY and watching Bright Side video clips on You Tube and I now am planning to download a Trivia application in my mobile).
As I watch the video from UDEMY, I learned that it is possible to teach in videos and get this as an income generating activity. Now, I am also dreaming that maybe in the future I will also be teaching an interesting topic and sell my video online. To be successful, I should learn the habit of continuous learning. I rememeber the Zen Story of the Tea Cup.  That in life in order learn, we must empty our cup and have more rooms for new ideas to learn.  I become conscious now that as working professional in our own field, we should keep growing and never stop on learning new things as it will be a way to our success. 

Stragtegist - Dr. Benjamin mentioned many times in this class, Consider others better than yourself.  This is humbling lesson for myself.  Most of the time at home, I am a person of “all knowing”.  I really wanted to respect my husband.  it sometimes, I tend to assume that my time, money, energy, thoughts and my opinions are more valuable than my husband’s.  In order for me to gain a happy relationship, with my husband, I should always consider him better than myself. Besides, he is the “haligi ng tahanan” (The wooden pillar of the Home) and I should not be the “anay” (termite).

Effective Delegation - Giving the authority to someone to do a part of my job.  Before I enrolled in MBA class I have a lot of time doing my part time job.   Now that I am studying, I no longer have time to accommodate more tasks.  But clients keep coming and asking me to do visa processing for them.  I cannot say no to clients and I asked my friend if she can spare her time to help me in the encoding.  I delegated my work to have more time in learning like attending my MBA subjects.

The other idea that strike me in this class was when we discussed about building a team.  According to Stephen – the lecturer in the downloaded video.  People with right skills, knowledge and who care about what they are doing.  As a start-up business owner of a travel agency, I already started choosing my team.  At first my friend volunteered do the encoding and visa delivering them to the visa office.  But she has another work to do, so there were some delays of the passport delivered.  So, what I did is to look for another person to do those jobs.  This time, I hired two individuals, one encoding the forms and one delivering passports.  I chose a more skilled person who can help my, my friend who is working as an administrative assistant, while the messenger is our messenger the office who lives in Pasay.  He can deliver the passport before 8am.  The visa office opens at 7am.  At least he is doing his part time job for me before his works starts at 8am.  I have learned that in choosing my team mates in my future company, I should make a policy that the people with right skills and knowledge will care for the job, should be hired for me to attain my goal ang my vison for my company.  Even if friendship will be sacrificed, I can replace an friend employee who is not performing well.

Clear vision Shaping the future. “Strategy is about shaping the future.” My personal weakness is time management and organizational skills. As a visual learner I do not have an accurate since of time management since I only see the final product. For example, when leaving to go on vacation I never factor in the time it takes to reach my destination but I focus on the direction of where I am traveling to. Time management affects every learner in one way or another. Research suggest that visual learners should practice keeping time or using a timer when working. Being cautious of the time will help visual learners to take their time and see each component as an important piece of the puzzle. Organizational skills are key for any educator, as for me and my organizational skills I call it “organized chaos”. I can visually place things where I see fit and can easily located them at my convenience, but others might view it as messy or cluttered space. As a visual learner my goal this school year is to stay organized as possible when it comes to student assignments and teacher paper work. Being aware of my strengths and weakness will help me better facilitate my work and meet the needs of my future clients.

Another learning on this class is to be able to make a management policy. Just after Labor Day, May 2, 2018, I was “politically” challenged in the class during our debate on Contractualization. The evening before our class, I watched the news on GMA TV and the reporter discussed some of its effects. Luckily, I was able to relate on the opposing topic on the sensitive issue of contractualization. I only knew about the economic effects to driver away foreign investors.  It was only after Dr Benjamin discussed that I fully understand why ending the “endo” on Filipino workers is not good for the economy, taxation and businesses’ law of supply.  I remember his example, for instance in the law of supply, a production company might hire contractual workers during the peak production season like December.  Why? Because during this time, a lot of people will be making their orders and have to be delivered swiftly. However, the demand deliveries will not be that high for the rest of the year. Therefore, it will make more sense to hire contractual workers only during the peak season. Otherwise, the company may find itself employing and compensating unproductive staff during idle stretches of the year. So, as future leader in my own company, I should see to it that I need to weigh things before making decisions specially in making policies.   

A chapter that covered, “Culture influences the decisions of managers”, made me realize that learning the culture or changing the culture is a responsibility for managers. Understanding an organization is a skill to be learned.  Strategic management means the change and change have to correspond with business culture.

Strategic planning will help me determine which activities I am doing are important and which ones aren't. If I will try to determine that for my business, I should first have to figure out where I want to go; What's my Vision? What am I hoping to achieve in my business, long term? And then think: What do I do on a daily basis that's going to get me there? In other words: What is my mission? Why do I exist? and then identify objectives that will help me move towards my mission and vision. If there's an activity that in one way or another doesn't move me closer to my objectives, mission or vision, then consider my reasoning for doing it at all. That might fall under the not important+ urgent/not urgent category. It seems simple to do that on an individual basis, but now think if that message and methodology spread throughout my organization, how much faster would it move towards its goals and targets? By taking the time to identify the key priorities, and removing what I would call distractions, I will be able to achieve my goals faster.

Generally, strategic management has the ability to use information technology and other data.  In this process, strategic thinking ability requires looking for facts. This will help an organization to strategize, to achieve the high level and the most productive organizational performance. Data drives decisions. I’ve learned that decision-making as a leader is both an art and a science. While it’s critical to gather hard data and input from those around you whenever possible, there’s never a perfect answer. Knowing when to make a call, and when to bring more people and data into the discussion, is an art.

Part of a strategic management lesson is enhanced with leadership training. Effective leadership skills are an invaluable asset to all aspects of a manager’s career and an absolute must for effective implementation and execution of any strategy. It is not easy to step back and observe own’s leadership style and effectiveness in a day-to-day work. Leadership exercises and executive leadership coaching will help me gain new perspectives and get the "feel" for my leadership skills in a safe and supportive environment.

LEAN management - The core idea is to maximize value while minimizing waste. It was discussed in class that one pillar of Lean management is the 5S.  The key components of the 5S philosophy are safety and good housekeeping practices. Safety is an integral part of the sort, set in order and shine segment of any 5S project. Standardize and sustain refers to methods used to ensure that safety and good housekeeping is maintained. Check sheets can be used to build good habits in these areas and to ensure good housekeeping is maintained in all areas. This lesson convinced me that I should be implementing this simple 5S at home and in my workplace to reduce waste and optimize productivity and to achieve more consistent operational results.

          Learning to present an idea is I think the most interesting lesson for me in this subject. I can use this in my leadership skill, in collaborating with my colleagues and management, and presenting my products to clients. It is also beneficial to my social life as well as in my journey to complete my MBA.

Absolutely, I have had so much fun challenging myself, pushing my brain to the limit preparing two reports, a speech in class and this management journals and I have met some incredible people. What I underestimated was, hopefully the relationships we have built over the Summer in this class will still be there.

How production and consumption of sugar affect your health

Sugar is one of life's greatest indulgences, it has been consumed throughout the centuries in various forms such as fruit and honey. However, within this modern age, sugar is readily available and widely consumed. The growing popularity of soft drinks, fast food, and snacks that typically contain significant amounts of added sugar the question should be asked – how much added sugar do I consume, how much should I consume, and what are the implications of consuming too much?

We live today in a society where sugar is commonly accepted and eaten in large quantities. Larger in fact, than ever before in the history of the human race. But what effect is this having on us—our weight and our health? Unfortunately a gravely negative effect on all parts of our physical, mental and emotional well-being, yet so few of us take a stand to do anything about it. In this essay, I will share with you why any sugar consumption must be taken seriously if we wish to increase, rather than decrease the quality of our health, and life.

I personally refer to these categories as follows: “chemical sweeteners“, referring to the typical white/brown sugar and “toxic sweeteners“, referring to the Aspartame, Sucralose, etc. I think it is time we call them for what they really are, and not kid ourselves any longer about their chemical makeup. But anyway, back to the sugar point.
Sugar is a drug that has no nutritional value and is an addictive chemical.
Hence, no wonder that today we have a nation that is addicted to sugar! In fact many experts have come forth, comparing sugar to cocaine, when it comes to its effects on our brain.
However, with sugar being in most foods today as one of the top five ingredients, it is time we wake up to the bitter truth about sugar, how it harms our body and plays a leading role in almost every disease and health condition out there.
And what was the effect of this for me? Along with all other aspects of my optimal nutrition, eliminating sugar has made me feel even more amazing, but the biggest area I noticed a huge change in, were cravings. Detoxing from sugar, meant no more cravings of any kind where sweets were concerned. I was no longer a slave to anything “sweet” – true freedom at last!

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