
a. MEMORIES OF PEOPLE: think of someone you knew very well and share a memorable story about this person. 
My Papa—what I used to call him—was a 5-foot 8-inch, good-looking man. Not to be boastful, but many would describe my Papa as looking like Senator Bong Revilla. He had many similarities with the senator, actually, only my Papa was never into politics. He was a simple man with many dreams for his children.  During my childhood,  he carries me on his lap or watch me play.

b. UNPEOPLED MEMORIES: Think of a time when you were out of doors and all alone and write about your experiences.
Bicycling has consistently featured prominently in my life. I learned how to ride as a small child. My first steed: a BMX bike with training wheels. My helmet: a bulbous plastic and foam Bell. Riding this bike around my neighborhood are some one of the best memories from my childhood. It was fun, plain and simple.
c. MEMORIES OF PLACES: Focus on a place that stands out in your mind. This could be your favorite place, a place you never want to see again.
My favorite beach is in Suba Beach Paoay. It's a nature preserve and an awesome place to camp. There are beach walks at night, a ton of trails, public day swimming. I spent one day there camping about a few years ago. It was the most peaceful vacation of my life, and I can't wait to do it again.

D. MEMORIES OF EVENTS: Write about an event that you witnesed when you were younger.
In my graduation day I was so happy and full of pleasure that for the first time that my Mom are there as my sponsor , I was feel cried that for the first time my mom are there to support me and for that I feel the love of my Mom .

E. MEMORIES OF OBJECTS: We all have had favorite objects that deserve to be praised and preserved in writing. Perhaps you can recall some odd or unusual object in your home or neighborhood
My camera, because I love taking pictures.

F. MEMORIES OF FAMILY LIFE: write about memorable events and incidents dealing with your immediate family.
                During the wake of the death of my grandfather, my relatives came to see him, hence, my cousins and aunts whom I have not seen for so long came.  My cousins and I had a great time spending stories together, thus we had a short family reunion.

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