Airplane and our Life

One of the most important inventions of the last two hundred years is the airplane. Before this period of time, there were no airplanes and flying was something imaginary. By the time airplanes were invented, humans had been dreaming of flying freely like birds. However, the major benefits of airplanes are: they have changed the concept of traveling by introducing a brand new method that had never been existed before, and they have saved a huge a mount of time when taking long journeys. Airplanes have also their disadvantages, such as the fact that airplanes are not a hundred percent safe and the massive amount of fuel that consumed by the airplane makes it the most expensive method of traveling.

Whether you decide to travel for pleasure or for work, obviously the airplane is the best choice for you. It's a very interesting and exciting experience, you can't describe the feeling when you are up there in the sky embracing the clouds and racing with birds. Thanks to the technology that makes us feel such experiences. I can't imagine how the world would be without airplanes, can you? Thousands of miles are crossed within hours! That’s amazing! If we want really to appreciate airplanes, just know how long it takes another method, the ship for instance, to travel from, let's say, Asia to the US, nearly a month or more, keeping in mind the risk of voyaging over unpredictable seas. This distance can be wrapped up by the airplane in just a few hours! There is no doubt that the airplanes have changed history. Nevertheless, airplanes have also their negative side.

Let's get to the dark side of the airplanes. I'm not going to tell you what would happen next if something went wrong with an airplane at high altitude. It's a catastrophic consequence. This is why the deaths in airplanes' accidents are so high. A minor problem in an airplane could take hundreds of people’s lives in just a second. Another downside is that airplanes consume a lot of fuel. According to the Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy, in 1998 North America was consuming 74.8 million gallons per day for aviation purposes. Due to the gas crisis, and the increasing demand for it world wide, airplanes have become a pretty expensive method of traveling.

Despite the risk of taking the air plane, it is still a great method for transportation. We should focus on the bright side of airplanes. Airplanes’ manufacturers should make airplanes safer than they are now. An alternative source of energy should be sought, especially if we know that the current fuel is non-renewable and soon or later it will be depleted.

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